Thursday, January 18, 2007


Firstly, before I begin let me just clarify that we aren’t lesbians, just best friends.

Moving on… Vrinda and me met each other as young sixteen year olds in school, but we didn’t hit it off right from the start as such. Slowly but steadily though, we became best friends. Outwardly if one were to look at us, we are extremely different (and I don’t mean this in a physical context). She is quiet, she thinks before she speaks, she is diplomatic, she is the genius types and quite frankly I am none of those things….but beyond that, we think alike, we share the same feelings on various issues and basically connect despite being thousands of miles apart (she is in Toronto and I am in Bombay). She is my true friend (not the only one though) and has been there for me during every mess that I make in my life. She gives me unbiased and non-judgmental advice whenever I ask for it (which is quite often). I waste her money by singing tunelessly on the phone whenever she calls. I talk about myself quite a lot (as clearly seen here too). I crack idiotic “jokes”. I call her “pindi” and other names. Despite all, she still agrees to be my BFF. (Best friend forever for the uninitiated…a very bimbotic word but I like it). Absolutely patient, mild mannered (but very upfront when the need arises) and really funny, she is everything I could ask for in a best friend and more. We have had some gorgeous gorgeous memories haven’t we ?? Despite being physically away I have never felt an emotional crack between us. We talk daily and yes I promise as soon as I save enough I shall hop onto the next flight to Toronto. We hardly have fights (even when we used to live in the same country) and she makes me laugh a lot (wicked sense of humor). I will always wish her loads and loads of happiness and hopes she finds the direction she is looking for… Now I hope you are happy with this testimonial of sorts (because you are the only one who is probably going to read it) and I will talk to you tonight… Love ya…. Mwah !!!


Anonymous said...

the best article yet and nobody has commented ??? tsk tsk . i shall do the honours... this vrinda sounds like a really nice and fun person...hahahha. i really didn't expect that you'd actually write this homage but now that you have, i'm touched (emotionally you pervert!). if only you'd written a bit more about me as oppossed to yourself .. lol.. but i got what i asked for so i'm happy ! smile

Bhavya said...

"huggy u big puggy"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey vrinda u lucky to have such a sweet friend..

Anonymous said...

Hey what happened to my tribute?

Sorabh said...

hey .. nice insight for the BFF thinggy.. but ur kinda anti -orkut or somthing.. we are the one using n spoilin it.. its our right n duty to keep it clean

Unknown said...

heyy jus came across ur blog...nd i dont kno y gurls find it trendy to call them self a bitch..a western hangover i guess...cause if u call the same girl kutti it's offensive..but yeah neatly written blog....
can reply me on

Shahab Syed said...

You have a good diction !

BananaFish said...

...You should write more. Its all good stuff.